They bring to life the hustle and bustle of Leeds city centre in 1956 and feature a range of shopping streets as well as landmarks. And you can almost hear the trundle of the trams as they travel down the tracks of routes including City Square, Briggate, The Headrow and Wellington Street. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 43 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP NEWSLETTERS: Sign up for free news and sport emails

1. Leeds city centre
An elevated view looking south down Trinity Street in Julky 1956. On the left are N.G. Bailey & Co. Ltd., electrical engineers; Blakeys Wallpapers; then George And Dragon Yard; J. Graham (Leeds) Ltd., home furnishers and Baker's Household Stores. On the right a sign for Johnson's Engravers (Leeds) Ltd (number 12) can be seen. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Leeds city centre in 1956
Wellington Chambers, City Square. It stands between Aire Street, left, and Wellington Street, right. On the corner is Barstow's, a really well-known gents hairdresser's which occupied the building from 1910 until 1980. Wellington Chambers was demolished to build the red brick, six storey City House which opened in 1983. This building was also demolished after developers McAleer & Rush acquired the site in 2005. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Leeds city centre in 1956
Trams on Mill Hill in July 1956. Leeds City Railway Station can be seen beyond the bridge. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Leeds city centre in 1956
Tram on route 3 to Briggate number 10 bus to Wakefield and Kettlethorpe can also be seen. Businesses visible include Jacksons Stores Ltd at 160 Lower Briggate and Sillers Economic Ltd Household Drapers at 155. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Leeds city centre in 1956
Workers most likely dismantling disused tram track in City Square at a time when the Square was undergoing alterations. The photograph was taken in early evening or morning judging by the light. Either part of another, earlier, image can be seen superimposed in the centre with a glimpse of a tram, destination Corn Exchange, or the image was taken through the window of a bus, producing the same effect. Pictured in July 1956. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Leeds city centre in 1956
Park Square North in May 1956. Number 35 Park Square was once the home of Margaret, the daughter of Matthew Murray, and her husband Richard Jackson. Matthew Murray founded the firm of Fenton, Murray and Jackson but due to bankruptcy of the firm an auction was held in the June of 1844 advertising the sale of "the rare and costly furniture and household effects" of number 35 Park Square. Listed in the sale were items such as a nearly new Phaeton coach, a rosewood cabinet piano and other rosewood furniture. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,