They focus on different aspects of the festive period from carol singing and street lights through to nativity, shopping and snow scenes. The images are a mix from the YEP archive, West Yorkshire Archive Service, the David Atkinson Archive and others published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. READ MORE: 33 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook

2. Christmas in the 1960s
A snow-covered Richmond Mount taken at Christmas 1969. The view looks south towards Stott Road with Raven Road cutting across the middle. Odd-numbered houses are on the left and even-numbered on the right. A church seen in the far distance is possibly St. Bartholomew's at Armley. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Christmas in the 1960s
The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Leeds, Alderman Joshua S. Walsh and his wife, at the launch of the Leeds Council of Social Service Christmas Appeal in December 1966. The display features a Christmas tree and a garden with a nativity scene; the garden was presumably constructed by Rowley & Sons, Garden Constructors, of 3 Holt Lane, Adel, whose business is advertised on the wall behind. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Christmas in the 1960s
Spuggy, the clown at Billy Smarts Christmas Circus, being treated by Knoble the chimp, assisted by Daphne Murgatroyd,an assistant at Leeds General Infirmary in December 1964. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

5. Christmas in the 1960s
Christmas decorations in Scarth Gardens, Scatcherd Park, Scatcherd Hill and on Morley Town Hall taken just after dusk in December 1966. Headlights and tail lights of vehicles on Scatcherd Hill can be seen, whereas the outline of vehicles not moving can be seen in full light. Bulbs at a low level were subject to vandalism so, as time went by, the Christmas decorations were put at a higher level and even the Christmas trees on the Town Hall steps were abandoned. Photo: David Atkinson Archive

6. Christmas in the 1960s
The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Leeds, Alderman Joshua S. Walsh and his wife, attended the launch of the Christmas Toy Appeal, in association with the Yorkshire Evening Post at the Majestic Cinema in December 1966. It invited people to place a toy on the Christmas tree to be given to children in need. Photo: Leeds Libraries,