Here are the 11 Leeds primary and secondary schools within five miles of Leeds city centre rated Good or Outstanding so far in 2023.Here are the 11 Leeds primary and secondary schools within five miles of Leeds city centre rated Good or Outstanding so far in 2023.
Here are the 11 Leeds primary and secondary schools within five miles of Leeds city centre rated Good or Outstanding so far in 2023.

All 11 Leeds schools rated Good or Outstanding by Ofsted in 2023 so far

Easter is upon us and with it brings the end of the first quarter of the school year – with a number of schools having already been rated by Ofsted.

Ofsted is responsible for educational standards across the UK and ensuring compliance with national standards.

Blenheim primary was praised for its continued “strive for excellence” after a first ever 'outstanding' grade while Christ Church Upper Armley primary was praised for a “an ethos of inclusion” after completing an impressive ratings turnaround.

Here are the 11 Leeds primary and secondary schools within five miles of Leeds city centre rated Good or Outstanding so far in 2023.

Take a look below and see whether your child’s school is on the list.

Here are the 11 Leeds primary and secondary schools within five miles of Leeds city centre rated Good or Outstanding so far in 2023.

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