Local landmarks and street scenes take centre stage in this decade long trip down memory lane. They feature corner shops, bird’s eye views as well as well travelled and much loved townscapes including Morley Bottoms and Hunger Hill. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 27 photos to take you back to Morley in the 1990s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Morley in the 1960s
Barker Square in August 1968. In the foreground is a general store at the corner with Commercial Street. The shop window on Commercial Street is full of jars of sweets. Various advertising signs are around the shop, including Woodbine, Players, Daily Mail, and Daily Mirror. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

2. Morley in the 1960s
Children playing on the unmade Back Barker Square in April 1969. A pile of bricks and rubble are in the foreground. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

3. Morley in the 1960s
Fountain Street at the junction with Little Fountain Street in August 1968. The shop is a tobacconist and confectioners owned by M. and M. Knowles. The bridge over the railway lines can be seen to the left. A woman is crossing Little Fountain Street in front of a parked car. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

4. Morley in the 1960s
Morley Grammar School surrounded by playing fields in August 1968. Fountain Street in the background. The Wakefield-Bradford railway line is on the left. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

5. Morley in the 1960s
A view of Morley Bottoms looking from Troy Road in April1967. In the centre are properties 1-17 Station Road which were soon to be demolished. Shops on Cheapside, Morley Bottoms can be seen to the left, one with a white awning outside. Prospect Mill can be seen in the background on the hill with chimneys to the left. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

6. Morley in the 1960s
Albert Mills on Wellington Street showing damage after a fire on August 18, 1961. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net