The showcase life around LS4 during the decade and bring into focus shops and streets which now have no name after being demolished as part of slum clearance. Children caught on camera being children are also featured in this wonderful collection of photos. The images are published courtesy of West Yorkshire Archive Service, which collects and looks after the unique documentary heritage of the region dating from the 12th century to the present day - more than 800 years of local history. It also runs Catablogue, an online blog dedicated to preserving the past, serving the present and protecting the future. READ MORE: 17 brilliant photos take you back to Burley in the 1970s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join L:eeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Burley in the 1960s
On the left is Cardigan View, next number 307 Kirkstall Road. This is a shoe repair shop, business of Bill Pollard. To the right, a fish and chip shop is 309, run by Jaques. This is at the corner with Cardigan Mount. A woman, is about to cross Kirkstall Road, using a zebra crossing for priority over traffic. Pictured in May 1967 | West Yorkshire Archive Service Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

2. Burley in the 1960s
F.W. Woolworth and Co Ltd store was number 285, a lorry delivering soft drinks is parked outside. Next, Busy 'B' butchers occupied 287, then Marlowe dry cleaners at 289. Stylo shoe company had a double fronted shop 291/293. This row ended at the junction with Cardigan Crescent. Pictured in May 1967. | West Yorkshire Archive Service Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

3. Burley in the 1960s
On the left is the corner with Cardigan Crescent, two shops on Kirkstall Road are number 303 a bakers, then to the right, a newsagents, also selling sweets, number 305 business of E. Mawer. Cardigan View is on the right. Cars parked in the street include a Heinkel bubble car, a popular form of transport in the 1960s. Pictured in Ma.y 1967 | West Yorkshire Archive Service Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

4. Burley in the 1960s
On the left edge Cardigan View can be seen. On Kirkstall Road, Bill Pollard shoe repair shop is number 307. To the right number 309 is Jaques' Fish and Chip shop. Cardigan View is on the right. Various products are advertised on posters including Turog bread, Horlicks drink and Lurpak butter. Pictured in May 1967. | West Yorkshire Archive Service Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

5. Burley in the 1960s
Kirkstall Road to the end of Cardigan Grove which is to the left. On Kirkstall Road, number 323, Carling and Wright have a TV rental shop. To the right, T.W. Facer run a household goods business, this had also been a pawn-brokers (number 325). On the right edge is Evanston Avenue. Pictured in May 1967. | West Yorkshire Archive Service Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

6. Burley in the 1960s
Kirkstall Road in May 1967. To the left is number 287, Busy 'B' butchers shop, next 289 Marlowe dry cleaners. Stylo shoe Company had a double fronted shop, 291/293. At number 295 is another butchers, A. Brook, the 'Bon Bon' sweets and tobacco business is at 297. At the corner with Cardigan Crescent, number 299 has S. Rhodes, draper. | West Yorkshire Archive Service Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service