They rewind back to 1930 and offer a fascinating glimpse into the beating heart of your with city with familiar landmarks as well as shops and cafes in focus. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 43 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Leeds city centre in 1930
A view looking west along King Edward Street from Vicar Lane in May 1930. Collinson's Cafe, Stephenson's & Co drapers and Cross Arcade are shown in the background. S.N Kilner jewellers, Victoria furnishing & A.G Spalding athletic goods manufacturers are visible further along King Edward Street. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Leeds city centre in 1930
A photograph of June 1930 which shows Schofields on either side of the Cock and Bottle, but before the store took over the whole of Victoria Arcade. The L-shaped arcade was designed in 1898 by Thomas Ambler and named to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee; it connected Upperhead Row with Lands Lane. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Leeds city centre in 1930
The Headrow in June 1930. To the left, is Owen and Robinson, pawn brokers and fancy goods - three balls sign can be seen above shop. Next is Edward Skelton hosiery. Then Bishop Eveleigh (Leeds) Ltd, silversmiths and George Eastwood tobacconist. At the junction with Lands Lane, Louis McKennell, tailor and valet service. Visible down Lands Lane is Mallories - wine and spirit merchants. All the cleared site in the fore front is for the new Lewis's store | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Leeds city centre in 1930
Portland Crescent, showing length of street. Some houses have a bay window downstairs. Where gable of house on left is visible, a sign for Taxi Hire has been painted 'H Parish'. Two ladies on right face camera, man on bicycle in centre. The cobbled road has been partially covered in tarmac. Area now of Civic Hall building. Pictured in July 1930. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Leeds city centre in 1930
A view from Commercial Street to Boar Lane in May 1930. On the left, number 22 is the Ostlers Arms, landlady Mrs Mary Ann Best. Sign details smoke room, home brewed mild and bitter beers, refreshments. At number 23 were George Rushton's Dining Rooms. Number 24 was multi-occupied including Marshall Brothers carriers, and P. Thomson shipping agent. Number 25 was also used by various companies including James H. Thompson engraver, Arthur Myers printer and the Atlas Express Company. On the right, sign for Johnson's Engravers Ltd, | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Leeds city centre in 1930
Buildings at St. James Square, proposed site of the new Municipal Offices.The buildings are bounded by railings, brick wall, and trees. The road in the foreground is cobbled. Pictured in July 1930. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,