They provide a fascinating slice of life around the city before the horrors of the First World War unfolded. Landmarks and city centre scenes all fall under the spotlight as well as life in the suburbs including Beeston, Oakwood Sheepscar and Killingbeck. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 16 evocative photos showcase a corner of Leeds which time forgot LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Oakwood
Oakwood Clock on Prince's Avenue close to entrance of Roundhay Park. The clock was originally sited in Kirkgate Market but was removed to this site in 1912. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Leeds city centre
Market Tavern on the corner of Harewood Street and George Street in March 1914. This photo is looking from Ludgate Hill. The landlord is Job Dixon, but the name Ellen E. Dixon is displayed over the door. George Day, Brass founder and finishers can be seen on the left with premises on back George Street. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Leeds city centre
The central entrance to Kirkgate Market on Vicar Lane. Businesses visible on outside of market hall are, on the right at number 13 Vicar Lane, William Green, Florist then on the left, number 11, Markets Branch Post Office. Pictured in October 1914. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Sheepscar
Victoria Inn on Roundhay Road pictured in July 1914. John Buck was the licensee. He began selling beer and wine from these premises from 1900s. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Leeds city centre
The wholesale fish market on corner of George Street and East Street pictured in June 1914. A sign can be seen 'W Blanchard, Fish curer. Head office, fish dock Grimsby'. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Leeds city centre
An extension to Calverley Street in August 1914. A view of road works, looking towards Fenton Street. Road surfacing is taking place. Workmen,materials and equipment can be seen including wheelbarrows, sacks, mobile site hut with name,'Wm. Kiethley, Contractors,Globe Rd, Leeds'. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,