The Headrow Shopping Centre opened in 1987 on the site of the former Schofields department store and was originally named the Schofields Centre. It boasted three levels of shops as well as a food court and cafe all connected by escalators and a glass lift. These photos turn back the clock to the 1990s when it proved a mecca for shoppers from across Leeds and beyond. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service.. READ MORE: 43 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Headrow Shopping Centre
A view overlooking the food court from the top level.. Pictured in October 1999. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Headrow Shopping Centre
View looking up an escalator in the Headrow Shopping Centre. The food court is on the top level. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Headrow Shopping Centre
The second and third level showing glass lift. Fast food court on top level. HMV music store and Stead & Simpson shoe shop on 2nd level. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Headrow Shopping Centre
The first, second and third levels taken from the top of the escalator on the second level. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Headrow Shopping Centre
View of three levels of the Centre showing shoppers using escalators. The 'Levi' Jeans shop is visible on the second level. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Headrow Shopping Centre
View of glass lift and escalator leading to the food court on the top level of The Headrow Shopping Centre in October 1999. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,