Well-trodden streets and roads familiar to generations of local residents – from Whingate and Strawberry Lane through to Town Street and Theaker Lane – are all featured in this gallery. Landmarks such as Armley House and Christ Church are also in focus. The gallery also takes you inside cabinet makers James Lupton and Sons Ltd in Tong Road Mills. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: Memories of lost Leeds pubs in Armley, Wortley and Farnley LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Armley in the 1950s
August 1952. Picture shows The Gang in Armley which is located at the back of Town Street. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

2. Armley in the 1950s
View of tram no 506 on route 18 to Cross Gates showing pole with temporary clamp in July 1956. | YPN Photo: YPN

3. Armley in the 1950s
Inside James Lupton and Sons Ltd, cabinet makers at Tong Road Mills in 1959. This is the main machine room with a drum sander in the background. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

4. Armley in the 1950s
Looking along Heights Lane in March 1950. Outbuildings and a streetlamp are also visible. This is Lower Heights looking down to Pudsey Road. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

5. Armley in the 1950s
May 1956. Viaduct Road in Armley which passes under the L.N.E.R railway track. The premises of 'Appleyard for Morris, on North Street', is advertised across the bridge. To the right is 'Appleyards Scrapyard' | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

6. Armley in the 1950s
The viaduct on Viaduct Road in Armley in April 1956. The road passes under the L.N.E.R. railway track and alongside the River Aire and the Leeds/Liverpool canal. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net