The exact date of each photo is unknown although they all have a date stamp of circa 1967. The gallery features city centre landmarks including Leeds International Pool, Leeds General Infirmary and Merrion Centre before heading out ito the suburbs with Adel, Woodhouse, Seacroft, Moortown and Kirkstall all featured. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 43 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Leeds circa 1967
Leeds International Pool on Westgate, seen from Westgate Roundabout, probably taken shortly after its completion. The swimming pool, designed by John Poulson, opened in September 1967. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Leeds circa 1967
Lower Briggate looking south towards the railway bridge, seen on the right. Shops on the left include Jacksons Stores Ltd., household suppliers, at no.160 Briggate, then the Royal Hotel at no.161 and Halford Cycle and Motor Accessories at 162. In the 1960s, the Royal Hotel was known as a gay-friendly venue. | The Francis Frith Collection Photo: The Francis Frith Collection

3. Leeds circa 1967
Merrion Centre with a the sculpture 'Androgyne' by Glenn Hellman in view. There are benches in front of the sculpture. A sign for the Locarno Mecca Dancing can be seen on a building in the background. Shops visible include Stylo shoes and Crockatts 2 hour cleaning. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Leeds circa 1967
Construction in progress of the Inner Ring Road. The view looks east towards the A660 flyover and bridge in front of it which would be a car park for the BBC's Broadcasting House. Work on the Woodhouse Lane multi-storey car park, which would be built over the Ring Road behind the flyover, has yet to be started. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Leeds circa 1967
An aerial view of Blenheim Terrace on Woodhouse Lane, on which Barclays Bank, Westminster Bank and the Transport & General Workers' Union are among the buildings visible. Behind these are terraced houses on the Marlboroughs and Blandfords etc, with further back on the left Blenehim County Primary School then Blenheim County Secondary School (Boys) on Blenheim Walk. In the background, right, the three foremost tower blocks are Lovell Park Towers, centre, Lovell Park Grange, left, and Lovell Park Heights (right), built in 1967 (the nearby flats of Oatland Heights, Towers and Court, dating from 1971, were yet to be built). Other tower blocks in the York Road area are further in the distance. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Leeds circa 1967
City Square showing flower beds and one of Alfred Drury's nymph statues in the foreground, with the Black Prince statue and behind that the General Post Office building in the background. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,