August 31, 1999 will be a date forever etched into the memories of former pupils, teachers, support staff and parents. It was the date the school on Acre Road closed despite a challenge in the High Court over the decision. Earlier in the decade it had been voted the worst school in Britain. Yet we hope these photos, plucked from the YEP archive, spark some positive memories. Spotted anyone you remember? READ MORE: 42 memorable photos take you back to Middleton in the early 2000s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Middleton Park High School
Enjoy these photo memories of Middleton Park High School. | Justin Lloyd Photo: Justin Lloyd

2. Middleton Park High School
Ian Major playing the preacher and Keith Jackson playing clown Tom Tinker in a school production of Taking Our Time. Pictured in March 1997. | Mark Bickerdike Photo: Mark Bickerdike

3. Middleton Park High School
Ghost In My Dreams performed by pupils at Middleton Park High School in December 1996. Zoe Smith watches helplessly as fellow victim, Jamie Brown is bullied by Shane Platts (left) and Simon Allotey. The pupils, all aged 15 at the time, used their own names in the play. Photo: Dan Oxtoby

4. Middleton Park High School
Middleton Park High School and Garforth Community College battle it out at the first South Leeds Stadium Schools Hockey Tournament in January 1997. | Mark Bickerdike Photo: Mark Bickerdike

5. Middleton Park High School
Pupil Daniel Abbott was turned away from school in April 1996 for wearing brown boots instead of black. | Peter Thacker Photo: Peter Thacker

6. Middleton Park High School
Head teacher Colin Richardson pictured in November 1998 after Middleton Park had been voted worse school in Britain. | James Hardisty Photo: James Hardisty