Reminisce and remember these nightspots from the 1990s which are sure to bring back happy, if not hazy, memories of a good night out. How many did you visit during a night on the razzle back in the day? READ MORE: 43 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Planet Earth, City Square
Did you this visit cheap and cheerful nightspot, complete with revolving dance floor, back in the day? Later became Bondi Beach Club. | YPN Photo: YPN

2. Townhouse
"When weekend strikes, be prepared for mayhem. Organised mayhem that is, as there's never any trouble, just a hell of a lot of people. You'll queue to get in, at the bar... but betcha you'll still stick around," read a YEP review. | Steve Riding Photo: Steve Riding

3. T&C
It was disco fever on a Friday night courtesy of Brutus Gold Love Train. And 80s club night Top Banana was the big draw on a Saturday night. | YPN Photo: YPN

4. Ritzy
Upstairs at the Merrion Centre was the place to be back in the day. Geared towards the cheap and cheerful it boasted fruit machines. | YPN Photo: YPN

5. The Square on the Lane, Boar Lane
One a weekend you would have to queue to get in on a one in one out basis, but you'll wait around because you knew you wanted to drink there. | YPN Photo: YPN

6. Yates Wine Lodge, Boar Lane
You knew what to expect of Yates - it was tacky it was brash, but it was kinda fun. Attracting big groups on a bit of a bender, there was always frivolity to be found there. | YPN Photo: YPN