These wonderful colour photos taker you back to the town in 1973 and showcase how a new shopping centre was attracting attention from locals while a new sports complex was taking shape. The images are published courtesy of the David Atkinson Archive whose collection is housed photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. READ MORE: 23 colour photos take you back to Morley in 1963 LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP NEWSLETTERS: Sign up for free news and sport emails

1. Morley in 1973
The new shopping precinct which opened about 10 weeks before Christmas in 1972. It was built at the corner of Albion Street and Queen Street. The photo was taken in August 1973; the neatly laid out gardens with flowing water features did not last much longer due to vandalism. | David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive

2. Morley in 1973
Looking south along Queen Street from the turret on the former Morley Co-op 1899 building in August 1973. On the left hand side part of Society House and the 1937 red brick Emporium can be seen. On the street there is a hearse with one following car while on the right hand side is the Yorkshire Bank then the Town Hall Buildings which include the Town Hall Barbers, the Handyman's Shop, The Town Hall Cafe (Kennedy's) and Albert Webster's butchers shop. | David atkinson Archive Photo: David atkinson Archive

3. Morley in 1973
A view southwards along Queen Street taken from the turret at the top of the 1899 Co-op building, later converted at ground floor level into Barclays Bank. Pictured in August 1973. | David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive

4. Morley in 1973
Windsor Court shopping precinct off Queen Street, by the side of the Town Hall. The area is busy with shoppers and people taking a rest on the seats around the flower beds. Pictured in August 1973. | David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive

5. Morley in 1973
The building of the first stage of the Scatcherd Sports Centre at the western edge of Scatcherd Park. The photo was taken with a telephoto lens from the tower of Morley Town Hall. The main part of this first stage was to build a new swimming bath to replace the building at the junction of Corporation Street and Fountain Street. | David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive

6. Morley in 1973
A view taken by telephoto lens from the tower of Morley Town Hal. In the foreground is part of the Mercantile Club, the car park behind it and some houses in Marshall Street. Behind these are the buildings of a small factory on Ackroyd Street. Pic | David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive