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House prices in Leeds: The areas where average prices decreased the most in the last year during Covid crisis

The coronavirus pandemic caused an unprecedented economic shock in the UK, closing businesses and putting people out of work left, right and centre.

But despite that, average house prices held up across England – even if there was a drop in sales.

It was the same picture in Leeds, where prices rose by 7.1 per cent in the year to September 2020.

The ONS also publishes house price figures by Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) – small geographic areas containing an average of 7,200 people.

These figures show that 24 of the 107 MSOAs that make up Leeds actually saw a fall in house prices over the same period.

Here we reveal which neighbourhoods saw their prices fall in the year to September 2020:

Images are for illustrative purposes only.

The ONS also publishes house price figures by Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) – small geographic areas containing an average of 7,200 people.