Whether it was the cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine or the political chaos engulfing Westminster, there seemed to be no end of bad news last year. Closer to home things were a bit brighter though, with Leeds United just about maintaining their Premier League status and Marvel studios coming to the city to film a new series.
We’ve now asked Leeds residents what they want to see in the city during 2023 not that year has started to get into full swing, with some insightful and amusing answers offered up.
Here are 10 of the answers that came up:

. What Leeds residents want to see this year
Leeds residents have had their say on what they would like to see in the city over the next year. Photo: National World

. Tram system
A number of people called for the long-talked about tram system to be brought to Leeds. Photo: NA

. Public swimming pool
Teresa Cook called for "a public swimming pool in the city centre to replace the lost International pool". Photo: Charlotte Graham

1. What Leeds residents want to see this year
Leeds residents have had their say on what they would like to see in the city over the next year. Photo: National World

2. Tram system
A number of people called for the long-talked about tram system to be brought to Leeds. Photo: NA

3. Public swimming pool
Teresa Cook called for "a public swimming pool in the city centre to replace the lost International pool". Photo: Charlotte Graham

4. Fewer roadworks
Unsurprisingly one of the most popular things readers called for was or less roadworks or, if somehow possible, none at all. Photo: Steve Riding

5. Firework displays
After Leeds City Council decided not to hold any Bonfire Night events last year, three residents posted to say that they would like to see a return of the annual event. Photo: Kelvin Stuttard

6. Disabled parking spaces
Rachel Hay-Wenn posted: "Enough disabled parking spaces for people with a blue badge so they can get out and about too. Disabled parking spaces are not for taxis, not for delivery drivers and not for people ‘just nipping’ into somewhere using their very able bodies." Photo: Anthony Devlin