Whitehall Road Council School in the heart of LS12 is in focus as well as factories which provided employment to the community during the decade including Leeds Fireclay Co and bed manufacturers William Rhodes Ltd. Familiar streets including Tong Road are also featured during a time when the war dominated daily life. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 16 photo gems take you back to Wortley in the 1930s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP NEWSLETTERS: Sign up for free news and sport emails

1. Wortley in the 1940s
Whitehall Road Council School on Whitehall Road in August 1948. On the left is the junction with Kildare Terrace with stone sets in road. On the right is the junction with Geldard Road. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

2. Wortley in the 1940s
A parade of shops on Kirkdale Avenue pictured in June 1942. To left is a garage or outhouse with greenhouse on the roof. Shops are Eddison's bakery, grocery shop, XL Bonus Stores. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

3. Wortley in the 1940s
The factory premises of The Taylor Rustless Fittings Co. Ltd., with empty gasholder behind. Situated on the Ring Road. Pictured in April 1946. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

4. Wortley in the 1940s
The site of Leeds Fireclay Co Ltd, fireclay goods manufacturer, at Wortley Moor Road. Main feature is a tall chimney with letters LFC LD painted down its length. There are large peices of machinery standing in area of tall grassland. Pictured in July 1945. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

5. Wortley in the 1940s
Two women stand on the corner of Tong Road in January 1942. Disused premises at the junction with Upper Wortley Road are in focus. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

6. Wortley in the 1940s
The back of a row of terraced houses down Prince Street pictured in July 1941. The closest house to the photographer is 39 Prince Street owned by Miss Annie Farmery. In this yard is a metal bin. On the side of the house are two billposters and a sign reading 'Carter Road'. | Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net