7. Wortley in the 1950s
Back to back properties on Havelock Street in June 1959. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service
8. Wortley in the 1950s
Odd numbered properties on Clyde Street can be seen on the left of this view from June 1959. Numbers run towards the right in ascending order to number 73. On the right are two properties on Green Lane, number 24 is a private residence with a drapers, 'Direct Supply Stores' at number 22. This shop was an agent for Imperial Laundries which was run by Harry Redvers Austin. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service
9. Wortley in the 1950s
This view looks from Clyde Street onto Clyde Place in June 1959. In the background, on the left edge, the side of number 17 Walker's Place can be seen with the back and side of number 7 Gladstone Place following to the right. On Clyde Place, a one-storey shed is visible behind a lamp post. On the right edge is number 30 Clyde Street. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service
10. Wortley in the 1950s
This view looks along the even numbered side of Grange Street in the direction of Wellington Road in July 1959. On the left edge are the entrances to outside toilet blocks and middens. Numbers 10 to 4 Grange Street then follow to the right where the back of the Spotted Cow pub is visible complete with maltings chimney. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service