Enjoy these photo memories of Leeds in February 1998.Enjoy these photo memories of Leeds in February 1998.
Enjoy these photo memories of Leeds in February 1998.

Photo memories from around Leeds in February 1998

It was the month motorists heading into Leeds city centre were hoping to enjoy a taste of life in the fast lane.

The city's first High Occupancy Vehicle scheme was launched on the A647 in west Leeds as an experimental scheme. Motorists were initially handed leaflets explaining the concept and rules - a restricted traffic lane reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers - before fines were introduced. This was Leeds in February 1998, a month which featured protests over the future of a Leeds primary and all the fun of the fair in the city centre. Enjoy these photo memories, plucked from the YEP archive, charting 28 days in the life of your city and its residents. READ MORE: Photo memories from around Leeds in February 1997 LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook