70s Leeds witnessed its fair share of ups and downs but for a generation how lived it, the decade proved one to remember for many reasons. People reminisce of hot summers, playing out, a culture of respect and a pack of sweets to last the whole week. This collection of photos are added to the memories of YEP readers those who grew up in the 1970s. READ MORE: Fantastic photos of Leeds city centre during the 1970s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP NEWSLETTERS: Sign up for free news and sport emails

1. Growing up in the 1970s
"Brilliant loved every minute of it Lot better than now!" - Melanie Younger. Photo: YPN

2. Growing up in the 1970s
"I loved it the music, the clubs ,school days, never had a mobile or a game machine so I don't think we did bad. We worked hard too. I also got married and had my first child in the 70s. I do miss them days they were the best, but I have the memories" - Debbie White. Photo: YPN

4. Growing up in the 1970s
"Wish we could go back to those days, many happy memories. The best music/clubs/tines. So happy to have lived through it" - Caroline Thomas. Photo: YPN

5. Growing up in the 1970s
"Fabulous joined the Leeds Sea Cadet TS Ark Royal meet my wife at the cadets 1975 . One lucky guy. Love the 70s." - John Evans. Photo: YPN

6. Growing up in the 1970s
"Less violence on the streets then, yes sure we had some issues, but compared to today it was heaven. I don't remember there being as much crime either, car thieves or police car following/chasing down idiots" - Karen Linstrum. Photo: YPN