When you walked around Harehills in the early 1980s the vast majority of shops were boarded up for protection as a result of riots in the area. The riots, which sprung up in neighbouring Chapeltown, followed on from riots in other parts of the country such as Brixton and Toxteth, and were primarily racially motivated, though other factors such as social deprivation, poor housing and high unemployment also caused a lot of tension. These photos showcase a community on edge as well as others featuring lost landmarks and a bird’s eye view. They are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 43 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP NEWSLETTERS: Sign up for free news and sport emails

1. Harehills in the 1980s
Enjoy these photo memories from around Harehills in the 1980s. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

2. Harehills in the 1980s
Roundhay Road seen from the junction with Harehills Road. All the shops on the parade on the right are boarded up as a result of a series of riots which have taken place in nearby Chapeltown. Shops visible include Sea Land Foods on Roundhay Road and Barclays Bank. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

3. Harehills in the 1980s
Harehills Road near the junction with Roundhay Road in July 1981. Shops visible include J. & L. Rogerson, newsagents, sweets & tobacco, Brian Stewart's children's wear and lingerie and M.C. & J. Fashions. All are boarded up due to riots which had been taking place in the area during a time of nationwide unrest. Police cars had been overturned in Chapeltown and this had become a no-go area, though some of the shops were trying to remain open as usual Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

4. Harehills in the 1980s
Roundhay Road looking south-east from near the junction with Harehills Road. On the left is Lambton Place, then the Gas Gallery on Roundhay Road. This along with other shops on the street is boarded up due to the riots which were taking place in Chapeltown around that time, but it is said to be 'Open for business as usual'. On the right is the New Leeds Constitutional Club then after the junction with Shepherds Lane is Harehills County Primary School. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

5. Harehills in the 1980s
July 1981 and in focus is Roundhay Road looking north-east during a time of riots in the area. All the shop fronts are boarded up for protection including that of Halina Travel Burueau on the right. Further along, a garage situated between Lascelles Street and Back Lascelles Terrace is also boarded up. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

6. Harehills in the 1980s
Roundhay Road from near Harehills Corner. Shops visible include the Trustee Savings Bank, Abbey National Building Society, GB Auto Centre, Robinson's Travel, Crockatt Cleaning, Jack Klineberg opticians and Maureen Fashions. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net