1989 was the year which saw the launch of mobile libraries travelling into the city’s communities to spread the joy of reading and books to residents. These photos also feature fun, friendship and food with a much-loved bakery and restaurant in focus among the gems celebrating 12 months in the life your Leeds. The images are a mix from the YEP archive and others published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 27 photos take you back to Leeds in 1987 LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Leeds in 1989
One of Leeds City Libraries' Mobile Libraries on the circular roadway in the grounds to the rear of the Civic Hall, taken when the mobile was new in 1989. The glass bridge linking the Civic Hall to its Annexe can be seen to the left. The tall building partly visible behind this is Leeds College of Technology. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

2. Leeds in 1989
The east side of Lands Lane in Apirl 1989. Shops in focus are from left, Peter Jones China, with Reed employment agency above, In time jewellers, Dolcis footwear and Miss Selfridge ladieswear. Offices above the shops are advertised as being to let. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

3. Leeds in 1989
Robbers targeted Haigh Moor Post Office in West Ardsley in April 1989. The postmistress at the time was Lynne Coxon. Photo: YPN

4. Leeds in 1989
Councillors Marian Monks, Keith Wakefield and Keith Parker examine Micklefield's disused fire station in October 1989. Photo: YPN

5. Leeds in 1989
Intime Jewellers on Lands Lane in April 1989. Posters advertise a stock clearance sale with watches at half price. A passageway on the right leads to the back of the shop. Photo: Leeds Libraries, www.leodis.net

6. Leeds in 1989
Waitresses wait for fish and chips at Harry Ramsden's in October 1989. Photo: YPN