The school on Old Run Road in LS10 opened in September 2004 and educated thousands of pupils before closing in August 2009. Were you also one of them? This gallery, using photos from the YEP archive, features dozens of former pupils and aims to spark memories of growing up. READ MORE: 35 of the best photos to take you back to south Leeds in 1998 LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. South Leeds High School
Enjoy these photo memories of South Leeds High School. Photo: Mel Hulme

2. South Leeds High School
Pupils at South Leeds High School with material for their Dragon's Den style presentation in November 2006. Photo: Helen Gardner

3. South Leeds High School
Pupils met a Roman centurion to start an archaeological dig at the school in August 2006. Pictured is Jeff Barnett as Jefficus the centurion with pupils Lucy Smith and Ben Medley. Photo: Dan Oxtoby

4. South Leeds High School
Year 11 pupils designed posters based around the theme 'My beautiful school' in March 2007. Photo: Paul Sutcliffe

5. South Leeds High School
Students experienced just what it’s like to set up and run their own events business in July 2008. The teenagers were able to test their entrepreneurial skills and get off to an early start in managing their finances thanks to support from The Royal Bank of Scotland’s (RBS) financial education programme, MoneySense for Schools. Pictured, from left, are Keely Ledger, Farai Wande, Becky Turtle, Jordan Bills with Margaret Hudson from RBS. Photo: YPN

6. South Leeds High School
Healthy Eating Countdown at South Leeds High School in July 2008. Pictured with their food are pupils Kayleigh Donohue and Aaron Bierton. Photo: Steve Riding