The rewind to 1991 features a series of city centre shops which will be remembered by a generation of bargain hunters before the photos head out to the suburbs including Pudsey, Kippax, Adel and Hyde Park. Sporting success at both a local and international level is also celebrated. The images are a mix from gthe YERP archive and others published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 21 mouth-watering memories of Leeds restaurants in the 1990s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Leeds in 1991
Shops on The Headrow in August 1991. From left is Siesta Holidays, then Buckle newsagents and Mickey Fynn butchers. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Leeds in 1991
Methley CC pictured in July 1991. Back row, from left, are Richard Law, Howard Leach, Neil Clegg, Andrew jarvis, Mick Smart, Mick Waite and Barry Matthewman. Front row, from left, are Steve Denton (scorer), Lee Smith, Steve Bourne, Neil Lockett (captain), David Jones and Alan Wadsworth (manager). Photo: Steve Riding

3. Enjoyed this gallery?
Share your memories of Leeds in 1991 with Andrew Hutchinson via email at: [email protected] or tweet him at: @AndyHutchYPN Photo: YPN

5. Leeds in 1991
Did you enjoy a meal here back in the day? Sannino restaurant on Merrion Street. That Shop gift shop is on the left. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Leeds in 1991
St John's Centre seen from Merrion Street in August 1991 with Ainsley's Bakery prominent. The entrance to the shopping centre, which opened in 1985, can be seen on the right. Photo: Leeds Libraries,