Plaza Cinema on Wellington Road had opened in April 1930, showing Spite Marriage starring Buster Keaton, with seating for 727. It was advertised as being 'last word in comfort', with symphony orchestra and soloists, 'for a short time silent films will be shown - equipment will be installed for talking pictures'. On Monday, June 28, 1937, the film Spy of Napoleon starring Dolly Haas and Richard Bathelmess was screened. It was to be the last, as the cinema was gutted by fire at 4am on Tuesday, June 29, 1937. The outer shell of the cinema was left standing and used for factory premises. The photo is one of 16 showcasing a decade of memories around Wortley in the 1930s. These are photos are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 33 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook

1. Wortley in the 1930s
Enjoy these photo memories of Wortley in the 1930s. PIC: Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Wortley in the 1930s
Shop on corner of Far Royds Road and Royds Lane in July 1939 . Adverts on wall for Cardinal Polish, Lyons Green Label Tea, Horniman's Pure Tea, Coleman's Mustard, Lifebouy Soap, Nugget Polish, Craven 'A' etc. To the right of picture, in the distance, can be seen Royd's Fisheries, with an advert for Guinness above. On the corner is a street lamp with a 30mph sign attached. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Wortley in the 1930s
Construction of a railway bridge across the Ring Road in April 1931. Bridge section is being manoeuvred into position. Work is being watched by man in bowler hat. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Wortley in the 1930s
John Watson's greengrocers shop on junction of Lower Wortley Road with Fawcett Lane in April 1936. Leeds and Holbeck building society can be seen on left. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Wortley in the 1930s
A bulb display at Cliff Park with a large greenhouse to the right in 1937. In the background is the rear of Cliff House, which was home to the Cliff family from whom Leeds Corporation acquired the land on which Cliff Park and the adjacent Western Flatts Park are situated. Cliff House itself was gifted to the council in 1929 and initially becan a juvenile remand home, then from 1966 to 1998 was Newcliffe House Special School, a boarding school for boys. Photo: Leeds Parks and Countryside

6. Wortley in the 1930s
K.J.B. gents hairdressers and the offices of the Leeds and Holbeck building society on Lower Wortley Road in April 1936. Photo: Leeds Libraries,