This gallery charting a decade in the life of Richmond Hill in the 1960s features youngsters using a derelict house as a playground. The photos also feature corner shops, off-licences as well as well travelled streets at the heart of the community including Pontefract Lane. The images are a mix from West Yorkshire Archive Service and others published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. READ MORE: 17 photos to take you back to Richmond Hill in 1963 LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Richmond Hill in the 1960s
Temple View licensed store on Temple View Road advertising Hemingway's Ales, Coca-Cola, Wall's ice-cream,Typhoo tea, Whiteways Wine and a variety of cigarettes. Pictured in July 1963. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

2. Richmond Hill in the 1960s
A derelict block of back-to-back houses on Temple View Grove is used by children as a playground. More children stand in the street in front of a derelict outside toilet block. On the left is Temple View Road. Pictured in July 1963. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

3. Richmond Hill in the 1960s
The junction of Pontefract Lane and Cross Aysgarth Mount. On the left is the entrance to Pottery Yard and a child and dog stand on the pavement. The building on the right begins with no 27, N Sheard's Grocers, closed till further notice but still advertising Woodbine, Capstan, Cadets and Player's cigarettes. Pictured in September 1966. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

4. Richmond Hill in the 1960s
On the left of this image is the Times Sanitary Steam Laundry (Leeds) Ltd. At the corner at is the Frank Wigglesworth English and Foreign Fruits Store, where a woman in an apron stands in the doorway. On the right are two back to back houses on Temple View Place where a pram is parked outside one of them. Pictured in July 1963. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

5. Richmond Hill in the 1960s
Blooms Pharmacy Ltd., the dispensing chemist, on Temple View Road in July 1963. A sign on the side window offers 24 hour developing and printing of photographs. On the right of the image are numbers 2 to 4 Berking Terrace, two back-to-back terraced houses with a car, reg: 271 FNW parked outside. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service

6. Richmond Hill in the 1960s
Temple View Road in July 1963. On the far left is the HR White Meat Perveyors, with the CH Gamble Pork Butchers on the right. Behind these shops on Berking Mount are yard entrances and a shared outside toilet block. On the far right of the image is Berking Mount. Photo: West Yorkshire Archive Service