The starting point for this focus on the suburb in the 1920s is Holbeck Baths, a much-loved community hub which helped generations of people to swim. The photos also feature other well known landmarks such as the post office and and showcase well-travelled streets around the area including Spence Lane and Domestic Street. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 33 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook

1. Holbeck in the 1920s
Holbeck Baths pictured in September 1926. Located on Holbeck Lane, the baths were opened in 1898 and closed in 1979. This view shows the swimming pool with diving platform. To the left, steps leading to a spectators balcony with changing cubicles underneath. More cubicles can be seen behind the diving board. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Holbeck in the 1920s
Holbeck Baths was one of many public swimming baths in the city, in areas where facilities for washing and bathing were restricted, the buildings also provided laundry wash houses and individual baths. A central diving platform can be seen, to the left, steps to a viewing balcony, changing cubicles lined the outer walls. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Holbeck in the 1920s
Photo taken from Domestic Street of Shafton Lane in January 1929. Parade of shops; starting from the left - no 1; Samuel Driver and Co - a grocers shop. Then 1A Shafton Lane - British and Argentine Meat Co butchers. Then a taller building which is Holbeck Pitt Conservative Club. A big poster on the outside of the building says to vote for Albert E Jones in the northern elections. To the right is 5A Shafton Lane - a greengrocers run by Jack Smith. Tramlines are visible on the wet, cobbled road. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Holbeck in the 1920s
Stocks Hill Wash House under construction in August 1928. It was opened in September 1932 by Prince George. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Holbeck in the 1920s
The newly built Low Fields Road linking Elland Road and Gelderd Road. Houses in the distance. Pedestrian pathways to the left and right of the road whilst building work continues to the right. Pictured in June 1923. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Holbeck in the 1920s
Off Spence Lane, junction with Wortley Lane in October 1929. Listed as number 3 Wortley Lane and rear of premises in Barratt Fold, G. Clarkson Ltd, chemists. Advertisements on the window include 'Dr.J. Collis Browns Chlorodyne' patent medicine, Aspro, Halls distemper (equivalent now would be emulsion paint). Photo: Leeds Libraries,