These photos showcase a wide range of places to enjoy a good time such as restaurants, cinemas, pubs, theatres and dance halls. Some have stood the test of time while others fell out of fashion. This collection of photos are sure to evoke memories for generations of city folk who enjoyed a break from the daily grind. They are a mix from the YEP archive, West Yorkshire Archive Service and others published courtesy of This photo is published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 29 Leeds pubs we have loved and lost LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook

. Kardomah Cafe
Housewives would drop in to the Kardomah Cafe on Briggate for a cuppa and snack, as a reward for slogging round the shops. Opened in 1908 and closed in August 1965. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

. Jacomelli
Originally called Jacomelli’s Swiss Restaurant and Café on Upper Mill Hill it became a Berni Inn in 1967 where customers could enjoy prawn cocktail, steak and chips and black forest gateaux . Photo: Leeds Libraries,

. Whitelock's
One of Leeds’ oldest pubs, Whitelocks off Briggate down Turk's Head Yard has been a favourite haunt of both young and old for generations. The pub can trace its origins back to 1715. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

. Market Tavern
Affectionately known as 'The Madhouse' by its staff and customers, the Market Tavern on Harewood Street in the city centre was demolished in 1995 to become a car park. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

. Empire Theatre
The last performance at the Empire Theatre - Babes in the Wood with Nat Jackley - before its closure in February 1961. It opened in August 1898 as the Empire Palace Theatre. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

1. Kardomah Cafe
Housewives would drop in to the Kardomah Cafe on Briggate for a cuppa and snack, as a reward for slogging round the shops. Opened in 1908 and closed in August 1965. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Jacomelli
Originally called Jacomelli’s Swiss Restaurant and Café on Upper Mill Hill it became a Berni Inn in 1967 where customers could enjoy prawn cocktail, steak and chips and black forest gateaux . Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Whitelock's
One of Leeds’ oldest pubs, Whitelocks off Briggate down Turk's Head Yard has been a favourite haunt of both young and old for generations. The pub can trace its origins back to 1715. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Market Tavern
Affectionately known as 'The Madhouse' by its staff and customers, the Market Tavern on Harewood Street in the city centre was demolished in 1995 to become a car park. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Empire Theatre
The last performance at the Empire Theatre - Babes in the Wood with Nat Jackley - before its closure in February 1961. It opened in August 1898 as the Empire Palace Theatre. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Gaumont Cinema
The Gaumont Cinema on Cookridge Street entertained generations of cinema-goers before closing in December 1961. Then became a Bingo Hall until 1969. It was the Town & Country Club between 1992 and 2000. Photo: Leeds Libraries,