This photo of Queen Street looks towards the Co-op buildings from the entrance to Queensway and features a range of shops which will be familiar to a generation of bargain-hunters. The year was 1971, a 12 months which these photos put LS27 and its residents into focus. They are a mix from the David Atkinson Archive and others published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. READ MORE: 33 closed Leeds pubs which will stir fond memories for drinkers LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook

1. Morley in 1971
Enjoy these photo memories from around Morley in 1971. PIC: David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive

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Share your memories of Morley in 1971 with Andrew Hutchinson via email at: [email protected] or tweet him - @AndyHutchYPN Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Morley in 1971
Albion Street in July 1971. The terraced houses have small yards at the front to separate them from the pavement. Ginnels run between the houses providing access to the rear of the properties. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Morley in 1971
Mayor of Morley Richard Brian Senior is pictured inspecting the Morley Local History Society's display at an exhibition in the Morleian Room of the Town Hall. He was the town's mayor from May 1971 until May 1972. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Morley in 1971
Great Northern Street of terraced houses pictured in July 1971. Shop on the corner is that of Doris Wilson, general store at 29 Fountain Street. A pram and a line of washing can be seen outside the far property on the unmade access road off the cobbled road of Great Northern Street. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Morley in 1971
Looking north-east along Albion Street in July 1971, Morley Town Hall can be seen to the right of the photograph. Photo: Leeds Libraries,