Students at Leeds City College, Park Lane in Leeds, celebrate their A Level results.Students at Leeds City College, Park Lane in Leeds, celebrate their A Level results.
Students at Leeds City College, Park Lane in Leeds, celebrate their A Level results.

A Level Results Day 2023: Best pictures from across Leeds as students receive their results

A Level results day is here. A day when dreams can be made and quashed in an instant – with one open of an envelope determining the immediate futures of many young people.

Students up and down the country as well as across Leeds have been discovering their results today, with students hoping to get into their top university choices especially anxious.

This year is only the second time pupils across Leeds have sat summer exams since 2019. Grades were generated by schools in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, with results based on internal assessment and work produced over the course of pupils’ studies.

This year results will be similar to those from 2019, with an allowance made for disruption faced by pupils in subjects where national performance was found to be lower than levels seen prior to the pandemic. Here are some of the best photos taken across the day...

This year results will be similar to those from 2019, with an allowance made for disruption faced by pupils in subjects where national performance was found to be lower than levels seen prior to the pandemic. Here are some of the best photos taken across the day...

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