4.3 - The Scribbling Mill. Address: RU16, White Rose Shopping Centre, Dewsbury Rd, Leeds LS11 8LU.4.3 - The Scribbling Mill. Address: RU16, White Rose Shopping Centre, Dewsbury Rd, Leeds LS11 8LU.
4.3 - The Scribbling Mill. Address: RU16, White Rose Shopping Centre, Dewsbury Rd, Leeds LS11 8LU.

Every Wetherspoons pub in Leeds rated from best to worst according to Google reviews

Reasonably priced pints, familiar patterned carpets and long walks to the bathroom, Leeds is home to a wealth of JD Wetherspoon pubs.

Wetherspoons, more affectionately known as “Spoons”, is a British drinking tradition like no other and Leeds is no different.

Having recently celebrated the opening of its all new The Scribbling Mill site at the White Rose Shopping Centre, Spoons pubs continue to thrive in the city but some are more popular with customers than others.

Here at the Yorkshire Evening Post we have pulled together your ultimate guide to the Spoons experience here in Leeds, ranking the 16 city venues from best to worst according to Google reviews.

Here at the Yorkshire Evening Post we have pulled together your ultimate guide to the Spoons experience here in Leeds, ranking the 16 city venues from best to worst according to Google reviews.