The cause of the blaze on Saturday, December 13, 1975, remains uncertain to this day - there were suggestions either of an electrical fault or an overturned paraffin lamp. Either way, the flames spread quickly through Europe’s largest covered market and some 150 stallholders fled for their lives. These photos from the YEP archive showcase the devastation and the aftermath of the blaze which could not kill the spirit of the market or its traders, many of whom were back on their feet within days. Determined not to be beaten, traders crammed into whatever space they could find in undamaged sections of the market, mainly on the Vicar Lane side. READ MORE: Walk around Kirkgate Market during the 1980s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Kirkgate Market fire
Do you remember the fire in December 1975? PIC: YPN | YPN Photo: YPN

2. Kirkgate Market fire
The height of the blaze, which broke out shortly after closing time. | YPN Photo: YPN

3. Kirkgate Market fire
A view across the wreckage of Kirkgate Market seen after fire destroyed two thirds of the site. | YPN Photo: YPN

4. Kirkgate Market fire
The scene from Headingley as flames leap into the air to light up the night sky. | YPN Photo: YPN

5. Kirkgate Market fire
This view of the blaze was captured from Quarry Hill. | YPN Photo: YPN

6. Kirkgate Market fire
The 110 firefighters who attended the blaze were successful in saving the beautiful 1904 building including the Vicar Lane frontage. | YPN Photo: YPN