They were taken by staff photographer Peter Thacker for the YEP's weekly Bird's Eye View feature which offered eagle eyed readers the chance to win cash prizes. That is why each photo features an 'X marks the spot' They were all taken in the early 1970s. READ MORE: 18 photos to take you back to Wakefield in 1980 YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

2. Wakefield from the air
Spotted any city centre landmarks? | Peter Thacker Photo: Peter Thacker

4. Wakefield from the air
The approach road to the M1 at Durkar in DFecember 1969. The River Calder crosses the top of the photos from the left. | Peter Thacker Photo: Peter Thacker

5. Wakefield from the air
Which landmarks can you spot from this photo of Wakefield town centre in February 1973? | Peter Thacker Photo: Peter Thacker

6. Wakefield from the air
May 1973 and this photo shows Market Street coming in from the right to join George Street, running up the centre of the photograph with the Denby Dale Road and Ings Road crossing at the roundabout. | Petr Thacker Photo: Peter Thacker