Hundred packed into the Old Woollen in Farsley over Friday and Saturday where a selection of German beers, brewed for the festivities, were available for what was being billed as the Big Bavarian Beer Bash.
Drinkers could even get their hands on the traditional one-litre steins glasses used at the Munich-based festival.
And the event proved popular as revellers were entertained by German Oompah bands and could enjoy bratwursts to help soak up the large volumes of ale.
Held each year at the back end of September, the original Oktoberfest festival in Bavaria began in 1810. It now attracts millions of people and is replicated in various events across the world.
1. Oktoberfest 2024
Dressed in traditional German clothing, from left, Matthew and Polly Hall of Farnley and Debs and Paul Roach of Haworth at Kirkstall Brewery Oktoberfest. (pic by Steve Riding) | Steve Riding
2. Oktoberfest 2024
Jayne and Graham Richardson of Burley all dressed up at Kirkstall Brewery. (pic by Steve Riding) | Steve Riding
3. Oktoberfest 2024
Danielle Pimperton of Farsley at Kirkstall Brewery. (pic by Steve Riding) | Steve Riding
4. Oktoberfest 2024
An Oompah band entertains the crowds at Oktoberfest at Prospect House (pic by Steve Riding) | Steve Riding
5. Oktoberfest 2024
From left, Matt Broadley, Patch Tulley, Mo Basnatt, Felixv Kjelberg and Sofia Jones at Prospect House. (pic by Steve Riding) | Steve Riding
6. Oktoberfest 2024
Best of the wurst....Andrea Hopkins with a bratwurst at Kirkstall Brewery. (pic by Steve Riding) | Steve Riding