Global Recycling Day bid will help save our planet

Some of the many materials that can be recycled (photo: of the many materials that can be recycled (photo:
Some of the many materials that can be recycled (photo:

Go green and recycle

We all have a responsibility to save the planet and one thing we can all do to strive towards a greener future is to recycle anything and everything.

Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Foundation holds a Global Recycling Day on March 18 each year to promote the reuse of things across the globe.

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It is a day for action, for the world to come together to put the planet first, and to change the mind-set of governments, businesses, communities and individuals around the world, to see recyclables as a resource.

The day is a recycling initiative that encourages us all to look at our trash in a new light.

There are several ways to recycle that allow some materials to be reused multiple times.

Recycling is great for us and the environment because it lessens the energy we use, enhances the quality of water and air we breathe, and combats climate change.

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It also reduces using new raw materials to create new products — saving money and natural resources.

What to recycle?

Some of the many materials that can be recycled (photo: of the many materials that can be recycled (photo:
Some of the many materials that can be recycled (photo:

Newspapers, plastic water bottles, soft drink cans, cereal boxes, and milk cartons are some of the common everyday recyclable items.

Global Recycling Foundation say that if we put effort into recycling items that we usually throw away, we can impact the earth and our lives in a more profound way.

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Who are the recycling heroes?

This year’s Global Recycling Day will celebrate the “recycling fraternity” and promote education about the importance of a cleaner environment.

The recycling fraternity are recognised as those who put themselves on the frontline to collect waste and recycling during the multiple lockdowns.

The day will also aim to raise awareness about the importance of education about recycling and pollution.

Green diary date

Effort needed now to help look after the planet (photo: needed now to help look after the planet (photo:
Effort needed now to help look after the planet (photo:

The March 18 initiative will be the fifth time the Global Recycling Foundation will have held its annual Global Recycling Day.

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Global Recycling Foundation says that every year, the Earth yields billions of tons of natural resources and at some point, in the not too distant future, it will run out.

With the last decade being the hottest on record the Foundation also says that’s why we must think again about what we throw away – seeing not waste, but opportunity.Find out more about Global Recycling Day at

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