Ozgur Babat, owner of the Portofino restaurant, with a food box which they will be handing out free during half term (Photo: PA Wire/Danny Lawson)Ozgur Babat, owner of the Portofino restaurant, with a food box which they will be handing out free during half term (Photo: PA Wire/Danny Lawson)
Ozgur Babat, owner of the Portofino restaurant, with a food box which they will be handing out free during half term (Photo: PA Wire/Danny Lawson)

The Leeds restaurants and businesses offering free meals for children during school half term

These Leeds restaurants and businesses have stepped in to help

Dozens of local pubs, restaurants, cafes and community groups in Leeds have stepped up to offer free school meals for local children during half-term after MPs rejected a campaign started by footballer Marcus Rashford. A vote on the measures was backed by Labour and made its way to Parliament this week but it was defeated by 322 votes to 261. Since then, hundreds of hospitality businesses across the country have shown they “stand with Rashford, not the 322”, by supporting families during the school holidays. These are the Leeds restaurants, businesses and community groups which have pledged to help: