The city’s annual Vaisakhi procession - Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan - took place on Saturday April 20 this year, setting off from The Sikh Temple on Chapeltown Road at 10.30am, with floats passing through Chapeltown. After visiting three gurdwaras, the procession arrived at Millennium Square, where there was food, music and martial arts displays until 3.30pm.
Here are wonderful pictures from the celebrations, as thousands joined the parade in Leeds.
1. Vaisakhi parade
The annual Vaisakhi parade began at The Sikh Temple on Chapeltown Road | Steve Riding Photo: Steve Riding
2. Vaisakhi parade
Vaisakhi, celebrated on April 13, is one of the most important dates in the calendar for the Sikh community | Steve Riding Photo: Steve Riding
3. Vaisakhi parade
The festival is a day to celebrate 1699, the year that saw the beginnings of Sikhism as a collective faith | Steve Riding Photo: Steve Riding
4. Vaisakhi parade
Vaisakhi is celebrated in April every year, with processions - known as Nagar Kirtan - taking place across the UK | Steve Riding Photo: Steve Riding
5. Vaisakhi parade
This year's Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan in Leeds took place on Saturday April 20 | Steve Riding Photo: Steve Riding