These are the latest population figures as gathered by Statista in 2020.These are the latest population figures as gathered by Statista in 2020.
These are the latest population figures as gathered by Statista in 2020.

The 15 biggest cities in England by population and where Leeds is ranked

Leeds is our home but based on population alone where does it rank alongside the biggest cities in England?

According to information gathered by data site Statista, the population of England was 56.5 million people in 2021, compared with 53.1 million people ten years earlier in 2011. This means the population of England has grown by approximately ten million people since 1971 .

As far as cities go, it won’t be a surprise to anyone that in terms of population size, London is still by far the UK’s largest cities. The capital city of both England and the United Kingdom, London is home to approximately 10 million people.

But for those living outside the hustle and bustle of Britain’s capital where do the rest of us lie? These are the latest population figures as gathered by Statista in 2020.

But for those living outside the hustle and bustle of Britain’s capital where do the rest of us lie? These are the latest population figures as gathered by Statista in 2020.

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