The 10 biggest cities in England by population and where Leeds is ranked

We all love Leeds but based on population alone where does it rank alongside England largest cities?

First things first is to nail down the definition of a city. Centre for Cities focuses on primary urban areas (PUAs) - a definition created by the Department for Communities and Local Government as a statistical tool for analysing the major cities of England. It captures the built up footprint of a city based on areas of continuous built-up land containing urban structures that are within 50 metres of each other.

In 2021, there was a total of 59,597,500 people living in England and Wales and a majority of them lived in cities.

It won’t be a surprise to anyone that, in terms of population size, London is still by far the UK’s largest cities – it now exceeds the 10 million inhabitants threshold.

But for those living outside the hustle and bustle of Britain’s capital where do the rest of us lie? According to the stats gathered by Centre for Cities, here are the top 10 cities by population in England.