Every planning application submitted in Leeds this week - and what they're for

Leeds planning applicationsLeeds planning applications
Leeds planning applications
All the plans submitted to Leeds City Council:

ADEL AND WHARFEDALE: Two storey and single storey extension with Juliet balcony and detached garage to rear; alterations to existing open porch to front - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 18/03511/FU - Amendment from a door to to a window from the kitchen to garden at rear and addition of a high level obscured window to side elevation to first floor bedroom, 16 Whinfield. T6 Leyland Cypress - Fell, 8 Tredgold Garth. Two storey side and single storey rear extension with a mix of flat and pitched roofs, 33 St Helens Close. T1 Chestnut - Thin by 15% to improve light to applicant and neighbours garden, Middle Causeway House, Long Causeway. T1 Leylandii - Reduce in height from 16 metres to 12 metres. T2 Oak - Draw away from property to give 4 metres clearance. T3 and T4 Leylandii - Remove to ground level. T5 and T6 Lime - Remove epicormic growth to improve light, Causeway House, Long Causeway. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a Gazebo to playground, Adel Primary School, Tile Lane. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3, 6, 7 and 8 of Planning Application 16/04767/FU Condition 7 - Soakaway test results J4614_19_E_GE Woodlands Farm _ Geoenvironmental Report J4614_19_E_GE Woodlands Farm _ Gas Letter Condition 8 - Drainage Scheme 3449-SHD-00-ZZ-DR-C-0100 Proposed Drainage GA 3449-SHD-00-ZZ-DR-C-0116 Drainage Details Sheet 1 of 2 3449-SHD-00-ZZ-DR-C-0117 Drainage Details Sheet 2 of 2, Land To South Of Woodlands Farm, Otley Old Road. Single storey side/rear extension and dormer windows to the rear, 9 Kings Road. New Dwelling with new boundary wall and gate to front, Land At 3 Dunstarn Drive. Removal of detached Garage and construction of a single storey rear extension; Dormer window to rear and widening of access drive and dropped kerb, 26 Tredgold Avenue.

ALWOODLEY: Single storey rear extension and Porch to front, 1 Linton Rise. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to Gable and Dormer window to rear, 36 Primley Park Mount. Porch to front, 28 Tynwald Drive. Part single, part two storey rear extension; two storey side extension, 1 Woodthorne Croft.

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ARDSLEY AND ROBIN HOOD: Consent, agreement or approval of conditions 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 of Planning Application 18/03719/RM, Land Adjacent Glyngarth, Bradford Road.

Leeds planning applicationsLeeds planning applications
Leeds planning applications

ARMLEY: Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 and 26 of Planning Application 18/00211/FU, Harold Newsome Ltd, Paragon Works, Elder Road.

BEESTON AND HOLBECK: Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 9 of Planning Application 18/06512/FU, Elland Road Park And Ride, Phase 3. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 5, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 22 of Planning Application 14/06007/FU, 49 Barkly Road. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 5 and 6 of Planning Application, Gelderd Point, 94 Gelderd Road. Construction of one block of 12 apartments and one block of 6 apartments with gated access and parking, Land At Balm Walk. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning approval 16/04673/FU to enable engineering changes and improve security of the development, Beeston Village Community Centre, St Anthonys Drive. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for installation of a ‘Zappshelter’ to provide a storage bay for stockpiling materials prior to transportation by rail, Leeds Whitehall Road Goods Yard, Springwell Road. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10 of Planning Application 16/05198/FU, The Radius, Springwell Road.

BRAMLEY AND STANNINGLEY: Two illuminated signs, Bramley Baths, Broad Lane. T1 Sycamore - Fell to ground level. T2 Lime - Fell to ground level, 36 Westover Road. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for internal alterations, 47 Westover Road. Change of use of first floor restaurant living accommodation to two flats and alterations including first floor extension at 139 Town Street; Change of use of first floor storage(s) to four flats and alterations including two storey rear extension at 141 and 143 Town Street, 139 - 143 Town Street, Stanningley.

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BURMANTOFTS AND RICHMOND HILL: Outline application for residential development comprising 86 flats and car parking - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 08/03378/OT - Apartment no. D1-03 on the first floor of block D is to be enlarged to encompass the external terrace and changes from a 1-bed apartment to a 2-bed apartment. The electrical sub station at ground floor level (in the car park area) is now no-longer required as an existing sub-station nearby can be utilised. The external terrace at first floor level is omitted. New windows are to be fitted into the openings. The windows line through with the windows to the floors above in an ordered fashion. A Water Booster Room and a Meter Room are now to be located at Ground Floor Level, Knowsthorpe Crescent/Cross Green Lane.

CALVERLEY AND FARSLEY: Part two storey part single storey side/rear extension and canopy to front, 7 Rusholme Drive.

CHAPEL ALLERTON: T2 Yew - Trim back 1 meter from the house. Remove 3 lowest branches to raise the crown and trim back to boundary at 3 Allerton Park as currently over growing onto neighbour’s property. All due to growing over boundary and encroaching on property, 1E Allerton Park. Steps to rear, 4 Norfolk Terrace. Demolition of existing shops and flats and construction of 12 apartments with rear courtyard parking, 48 - 52 Stainbeck Road.

CROSSGATES AND WHINMOOR: Two storey extension to side, with storage area beneath; stairs to ground floor, 84 Austhorpe Road.

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FARNLEY AND WORTLEY: Replacement single storey extension to front and replacement detached Outbuilding to rear, 15A Back Lane. Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for Use of a Biomass Boiler, Corinthian House Nursing Home, 65 Green Hill Lane. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension, 12 Cliffe Park Crescent.

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GARFORTH AND SWILLINGTON: Refurbishment of existing commercial/industrial unit including installation of mezzanine floor; new internal and external equipment including ventilation/heating and fume extract system; external concrete slabs, existing fire door walled up and new fire door installed and means of access, 3 Fusion Point, Ash Lane. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a Dormer window to the rear, 62 Primrose Hill Drive. One new dwelling to land adjacent 45 Hall Road, 45 Hall Road.

GARFORTH AND HAREHILLS: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to Gable and Dormer window to the rear, 8 Amberton Road. Listed Building Application for internal and external alterations including internal openings, new partition and two new louvres, Shine, Harehills Road. Installation of a multi use games area (muga) to playing field of school, Hovingham Primary School, Hovingham Avenue. Listed Building Application for construction of a bike shelter to allocated bike parking area, Shine, Harehills Road.

GUISELEY AND RAWDON: Two storey rear extension with dormer window to rear, 12 Dales Way, Guiseley. G1 Lime - Remove the Lime trees ( 5 stems) directly behind the property boundary along the old public footpath to as close to ground level, 11 Park View.

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Please see attached supporting information, Cedar Lodge, Greenfield Lane. Raised Patio area to rear and alterations to rear fenestration; steps to Basement, 18 Cavendish Road. Amendment to previously approved application 18/07194/FU for increase in size of Dormer window, 43 Greenacre Park. Single storey extension to rear, 3 Beamsley Croft.

HAREWDOOD: T30, T29, T28 Silver Birch - Remove with no replacement due to the amount of other trees in the surrounding area, 26 Syke Lane. Removal of Porch and new Entrance to front; formation of Patio area to rear, with steps to and entrance to Basement; windows to Basement and Ground Floor, Long Meadows, Harewood Road. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the demolition of the attached garage and construction of single storey wrap around extension, 32 Wayside Mount. Listed Building Application for five non-illuminated signs, Moor House, The Square. Five non-illuminated signs, Moor House, The Square. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3 and 13 of Planning Application 18/07736/FU, Cleavesty Centre, Cleavesty Lane. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 4, 8, 9, 10 and 15 of Planning Application 18/07736/FU, Cleavesty Centre, Cleavesty Lane. Remove existing single storey side; construction two storey side extension, single storey rear extension with enlarged raised patio and basement rooms under; Juliet Balconies to first floor rear; single storey front extension with canopy - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 18/06105/FU - omission of brickwork facing to front elevation above first floor level and addition of render finish in lieu, 11 Manor Court. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to previously approved planning permission 17/00034/FU for MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENTS to allow for a change in orientation, and a reduction in height and footprint of the orangery, Moat Hall, Thorner Lane . Two storey side extension, The Barn, Wetherby Road. Determination for demolition of dwelling house, Oakhill Lodge, Roundhay Park Lane.

HEADINGLEY AND HYDE PARK: 3.5m single storey rear extension, 3.9m to ridge height, 2.4m to eaves, 8 Buckingham Grove. Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for Use as a House in Multiple Occupation (C4), 36 Estcourt Avenue. Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for Use as a House in Multiple Occupation (C4), 2 Burchett Terrace. Change of use from office (B1) to gym (D2), including internal alterations, external alterations to ground floor and first floor entrances, new ramp configuration and stairs to first floor entrance, Part Of WYG Offices, Arndale Centre.

HORSFORTH: Two storey side extension, 2 Hall Park Rise. T1 and T2 Ash - Cut back by 2/3 meter, Stephenson Group Ltd, Brookfoot House, Brookfoot Court. Single storey rear extension with below ground storage area, Cobweb Cottage, 4 New York Cottages, New York Lane. Retrospective application for Loft conversion, 75 Sussex Avenue. Single storey extension to rear, 3 New York Cottages, New York Lane. T1 Willow - Fell to ground level, St Annes Community Service, 155 Town Street. Erection of new dwelling, detached double garage, parking area and associated works, Oakdene, Newlay Wood Drive. Single storey side and rear extension, 49 Victoria Mount. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15 and 17 of Planning Application 18/06828/FU, New Road Side. Single storey front extension, 29 Stanhope Drive. First floor rear extension with part garage conversion and door to side; roof lights to side, 6 West End Close.

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HUNSLET AND RIVERSIDE: Outline application to layout access and erect mixed use multi level development up to 19 storeys, with offices, residential, hotel, shops, financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments, hot food takeaways, cultural and community uses, basement car parking, associated landscaping and public space - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 06/06824/OT - East/west elevations amended to include light columns to serve roof terrace area; landscaping - reduce planter size, omission of west side fence, additional main entrance lighting and alterations to kerb line on south west corner, 7 & 8 Wellington Place. Change of use of Suite 1 from office (Class B1a) to a flexible use as a clinic (Class D1) or office (Class B1a), Suite 1 - 3 Wellington Place. One illuminated sign and three non-illuminated signs, Scarbrough Hotel, Bishopgate Street. Listed building application for Internal alterations, comprising of new timber floor to replace existing, extension of existing wall panelling, extension of existing bar counter screen, fit new bifold doors to opening and infill above screen; new and replacement signs, Scarbrough Hotel, Bishopgate Street. Alterations involving installation of pedestrian turnstile with access control, First Direct, 40 Wakefield Road. Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 10 of Planning Application 16/07734/LI, Doncaster Monk Bridge, Whitehall Road.

KILLINGBECK AND SEACROFT: Residential development of 503 houses, conversion of former Hospital administration block, demolition of the former Villa building, associated infrastructure including two new vehicle access points to A64, public open space and retention of Clock Tower - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 15/07300/FU - various house type changes; changes to some garage blocks; minor alterations to road widths, street lighting, Land At Seacroft Hospital, York Road. Two storey bay window to front, new door to ground floor side and windows to upper ground floor side, 53 Fearnville Road. Installation of gates to alleyway, Murton Close.

KIPPAX AND METHLEY: Part two storey, part single storey side/rear extension; raise roof height forming rooms in roofspace - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 17/05850/FU - Part 2 story, part single story rear extension, 31 Green Row. Two storey extension to side and Dormer window to rear; enlarged Porch to front, 1 Brexdale Avenue. Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for Use as a Hot Food Takeaway (A5), Snack Box, 97 Great North Road. Conversion of Garage to habitable accommodation, 2 Burnleys Drive. First floor rear extension, 15 Low Common. Single storey rear extension, 11 Pit Lane. Single storey side extension, 12 Hall Park Croft.

KIRKSTALL: Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 8 of Planning Application 15/04824/FU, Kirkstall Forge, Abbey Road. Retrospective application for an Outbuilding to the rear, 243 Spen Lane.

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LITTLE LONDON AND WOODHOUSE: Reserved Matters application for appearance, layout, landscaping and scale for Phase 1 - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 16/07088/RM - Lounge roof balustrade (Level 11 Eleventh Floor) increased in height by 0.5m, Former Yorkshire Post, Wellington Street. Change of use of existing office building to teaching space; external alterations for the installation of new louvre panels - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 19/01871/FU - Additional louvres to be added to the existing building main elevations, Leeds Innovation Centre, 103 Clarendon Road. Listed Building Application for the removal of 3no. antennas and replacement with 3no. new antennas and ancillary development thereto including 3no. remote radio units and upgrade existing equipment room, Roger Stevens Building, University Of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane. Removal of 3no. antennas and replacement with 3no. new antennas and ancillary development thereto including 3no. remote radio units and upgrade existing equipment room, Roger Stevens Building, University Of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane. Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 17 of Planning Application 16/07741/FU, Land At St Albans Place And Belgrave Gardens. Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 16 of Planning Application 16/07741/FU, Land At St Albans Place And Belgrave Gardens. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 4 Lower Brunswick Street. Six illuminated and two non illuinated signs, Head Of Steam, 6-7 Park Row. Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 3 of Planning Application 18/03876/FU, Faculty Of Biological Science, University Of Leeds. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 10 Lower Brunswick Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 24 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 6 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 8 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 10 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 22 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 16 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 18 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 14 Melbourne Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 6 Lower Brunswick Street. Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 2 Melbourne Street, Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 4 Melbourne Street, Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 8 Lower Brunswick Street, Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 12 Melbourne Street, Change of use of light industrial (B1c) to dwelling (C3), 20 Melbourne Street.MIDDLETON PARK: Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to Gable and Dormer window to the rear; Rooflights to front, 23 Blakeney Grove. Detached house with a detached garage, 175 Middleton Park Road. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Planning Application 14/03512/FU, 8 - 10 Thorpe Street.MOORTOWN: Single storey rear extension, 2 The Paddock. 4m single storey rear extension, 3.65m to ridge height and 2.45m to eaves, 71 Highwood Avenue. Single storey side and rear extension, 569 Scott Hall Road.

MORLEY NORTH: The demolition of Moorside Building Supplies and construction of residential development comprising 42 dwellings (Revised Plans received 2nd March 2015) - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 14/01904/FU - Various revisions to planning layout including the positioning of plots 17 and 18 and the substitution of plot 29 from Ashberry house type to Esk house type, 37 - 39 King Street. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension, 1 Town End. Single storey front extension, 15 Moorside Road. Extension to front at first floor level, including Balcony, 1 Town End. Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 4 of Planning Application 14/01882/FU, Land Adjacent To 287A Whitehall Road. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey extensions to side and rear, 26 Deansway. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to previously approved planning application 18/00310/FU for revised layout and house type to plots 1, 2 and 3, Land Off Wakefield Road. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 5, 15, 17 and 20 of Planning Application 16/02988/OT, Lane Side Farm, Victoria Road. Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Planning Application 17/07418/FU, Land To Rear Of 153 Whitehall Road. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an Outbuilding to rear, Westfield Barn, Old Lane.

MORLEY SOUTH: First floor extension to rear and new juliet balcony to ground floor to rear, Field View, Scotchman Lane. Two storey side extension, 75 Wynyard Drive. Single storey extension with raised Decking area and steps to rear, 12 Dunlin Close. Conversion of existing building to 11 dwellings; demolition of existing buildings to rear; construction of three dwellings to rear with associated access, Tingley Common.

OTLEY AND YEADON: T1 Cherry - Cut overhanging branches by 3 metres T2 Chestnut - Cut back overhanging branches by 2 metres T3 Beech - Cut back to suitable side branches by 3 metres T4 Chestnut - Cut back to suitable side branches by 3 metres T5 Chestnut - Cut back to suitable side branches by 3 metres T6 Chestnut - Cut back to suitable side branches by approx 3 metres T7 Beech - Cut back to suitable side branches by 3 metres T8 Beech - Cut back to suitable side branches by 3 metres T9 Holly - To cut back by approx 1.5 metres, Cemetery Road Allotments, Cemetery Road. Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for an extension to side and rear, 4 Grange Crescent. Single storey extension to front and side, including conversion of Garage to habitable accommodation, 68 Wrenbeck Drive. Laying out of access road, Pelstone Cobbles, East Chevin Road. Single storey side and rear extension, 1 Duncan Avenue. Single storey rear extension, 35 Leeds Road.

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PUDSEY: Single storey extension to rear, 28 Tyersal Drive. Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 3 of Planning Application 18/06741/FU, 2 Mount Pleasant Road. T1 Sycamore - Remove, Tofts Road Allotments, Lower Tofts Road. Conservatory to rear, 13 Somerset Road. One block of two industrial / warehouse units to vacant land, Land At Grangefield Industrial Estate, Richardshaw Road. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a detached Garage to rear, Wild Grove Farm, Wild Grove.

ROTHWELL: Extensions at first floor level to both sides; infill single storey extension to rear, 4 Main Street. 6m single storey rear extension, 3.73m to ridge height and 2.635m to eaves, 43 Manor Road. Single storey extension to front with terrace area above balustrade to balcony and bi-folding doors to ground floor rear, The Orchard, 4 Beech Grove.

ROUNDHAY: Single storey side and rear extension, 85 The Drive. T1 Leylandii - Fell, 22 Lambert Avenue. T1, T2 Beech - Removal of small dead branches only. T3 Elm, T4 Laburnum, T5 Cherry - Fell T6 Laurel - Crown reduction, height will be reduced to approximately 15ft at highest point. T7 Laurel/group hedge - Crown reduction, height will be reduced to approximately 15ft at highest point. T8 Holly - Crown reduction, height will be reduced to 24ft and width reduced to 18ft. T9 Sycamore - Crown reduction, height will be reduced to 30ft, The Bungalow, Greycourt, Gledhow Lane. T1 Fir - To fell due to dropping needles and looking as if it might have died, 13 Park Lane. Single storey side extension, 21 Earlswood Avenue. Part two storey and part single storey extension to front, side and rear, 16 Talbot Road. Single storey side and rear extension, 2 Lidgett Court. Three storey rear extension; steps and handrail leading to up to the ground floor level; patio area to rear; demolition of outhouse; new shed to rear; new garage to rear; conversion of basement to habitable rooms; hardstanding to front; new parking spaces to front; new first floor window to side, 15 Elmete Avenue.

WEETWOOD: Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 11 of Planning Application 16/04153/FU, Spenfield, 182 Otley Road. 6.0m single storey rear extension, 3.91m to ridge height, 2.975m to eaves, 21 St Chads View.

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WETHERBY: T1 Pine tree - Fell, Woodview Hall Park Road. Installation of modular classroom building - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 19/02265/FU - inclusion of lasrger UPVC windows to front elevation - re-positioning of fire exit doors, West Oaks School, Westwood Way. Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for the construction of a single storey rear extension, Willow Cottage, Willow Lane. Single storey rear extension, 15 Slade Close. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 19/02760/FU (forming a first floor, installing dormer windows, rooflights and a juliet balcony to the dwelling, constructing a porch and installing gates and railings to the front) to enable design alterations, Whitecraigs, Clifford Road. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 18/00344/FU for alterations to floor layout,elevations and to parking, Westwood Way. Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 12 of Planning Application 19/01596/FU, 23 Spofforth Hill. Change of use of former bank and part of shop to take away hot food shop (use class A3) and alterations including rear extension, 179B And 181A High Street.

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