Leeds nostalgia: Space invaders from 1981

This week's picture harks back to a simpler time, when computers didn't rule the world. In fact, they were something of a novelty.

Their appeal, however, was not lost upon those at the time and despite their bulky size (when compared to the devices of today), they held a certain amount of fascination. This picture was take on March 15, 1981 and shows a family playing space invaders on a newly opened computer.

The machine belonged to John Swain, 19, extreme left, who had to look on with his parents, Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Swain, and brothers David, seven, and Richard, 17, as his brother James, 16, took over control of the Christmas present given to John by his parents to help him with his work at Park Lane College.

Eventually, he did get some work done on it.

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