Teenager locked up over Leeds police chase crash

A teenager who put other road users and pedestrians in grave danger during a high speed police chase before crashing into a wall has been locked up.

A court heard how two people had to dive out of the path of Ajmaal Hussain’s car after he lost control of the vehicle.

Police officers reached speeds of more than 90pmh as they tried to keep up with Hussain during the pursuit through the Oakwood, Roundhay and Harehills areas of the city.

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Officers signalled for Hussain, 18, to pull over when they saw him mount the pavement in his Toyota Yaris at 11.10am on November 22 last year.

He failed to stop and instead sped off along Harehills Lane. Mehran Nassiri, prosecuting, said Hussain reached speeds of more than 70mph in densely populated residential areas.

Hussain also drove the wrong way around a roundabout on Easterly Road. Police abandoned the pursuit as Hussain headed for the junction of Roundhay Road and Wetherby Road because of the danger it posed to members of the public.

Hussain lost control of the vehicle shortly before the junction and struck a garden wall.

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He ran from the vehicle but was caught by officers. Hussain said told officers at the scene: “I’m sorry, I’m stupid. I’m not insured.”

He pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and having no insurance. Matthew Harding, mitigating, urged judge Penelope Belcher to consider imposing a community punishment so he could attend a driving awareness programme to address his offending.

Hussain was sent to a young offenders institution for 10 months.

Judge Belcher said: “It is pure chance that this did not end with anybody being injured or potentially killed.

“It was completely idiotic.”

Hussain was also banned from driving for 12 months and told he must take en extended driving test before he can get back behind the wheel.