One-year-old Cystic Fibrosis patient and his family back Leeds Hospitals Charity Will appeal

When patients and families face the toughest challenges of their lives, it’s good to know they have support at hand …  read the story of how Leeds Children’s Hospital helped baby Rufus.

Every day, Yorkshire families receive news from medics which changes the course of their lives.

Often the news is overwhelming and they can feel traumatised and confused. For little Rufus, the team at Leeds Children’s Hospital and the support funded by Leeds Hospitals Charity, helped him get fit enough to get home to finally start family life with his mum and dad and big brother.

His family first discovered that he would face challenges even before he was born, when an ante-natal scan showed a blockage in his bowel. Within moments of his birth, tests showed he had Cystic Fibrosis and needed urgent, life-saving surgery, which he had when he was just one day old.

Even after his surgery, infection and sepsis made the roller-coaster start to his life a frightening experience for all.

Recalling the time the baby’s temperature shot up, leaving him needing round-the-clock care and help with his breathing.

“‘I've never seen four doctors move into a room as quickly.”

Dad, Ben

Support from the team

Little Rufus is a battler, and since October 2022 he’s managed to avoid hospital admissions and stay at home with his parents and brother Henry. Ben knows the family have someone’s generosity to thank. He said: “It was interesting to find out that some of the Cystic Fibrosis support was made possible thanks to someone’s Will. We'd have been lost without that team during his stay (and after!).”

You can be a life saver

If you want to make a real difference to the lives of people here in Yorkshire, a legacy in your Will remembering Leeds Hospitals  Charity will help to fund treatments for Cystic Fibrosis  patients like Rufus, and to help upgrade hospital spaces and equipment.

Together, we can go above and beyond the care and support that our local NHS service offers.

Find out more about remembering Leeds Hospitals Charity in your Will today.  Find out more at the website here.

Charity number is 1170369