The data was published as part of the annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, with the highest paid role earning an average salary of more than £126,000 per year. These 10 jobs are ranked as the highest paid roles in the UK - how does your wage compare?

. Chief executives and senior officials, £126,615
Chief executives and senior officials were the UK’s biggest full time earners, getting paid an average salary of £126,615 a year, which is a drop of 18.6 per cent from 2019. Photo: Shutterstock

. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers, £97,608
Working within the aircraft industry remains a lucrative business, however, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on airlines was not taken into account with this data. They sit second on the list with an average salary of £97,608. Photo: Shutterstock

. Marketing and sales directors, £93,640
Marketing and sales directors came in third place, the same ranking as in 2019. Such jobs currently have an average salary of £93,640, which is a jump in pay of 4.8 per cent from 2019. Photo: Shutterstock

7. IT and telecom directors, £80,280
IT and telecommunication directors earn an average salary of £80,280 per year, which is an increase of 1.5 per cent from 2019. Photo: Shutterstock

8. Transport associate professionals, £77,373
Transport associate professionals earn an average of £77,373 per year, with such roles seeing a decrease of 3.3 per cent on their 2019 earnings. Photo: Shutterstock

9. Medical practitioners, £72,613
Workers in this medical field continue to earn a high yearly salary of £72,613 per year. However, they saw a significant decrease in average earnings, dropping by 8.6 per cent from 2019. Photo: Shutterstock