New data gathered by property sales company Property Solvers has revealed exactly which streets in Leeds are the most expensive to buy a house on.
Analysing the average sold price data from HM Land Registry over the last five years, it reveals that one area, LS17, contains nine of the ten most expensive streets in the city.
Only one street saw the average house price hit £2 million while the “cheapest” sits at just above £1,1 million.
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Property Solvers only included streets where three or more properties had been sold since 2019, in order to keep the data less skewed.
Here are the ten most expensive streets in Leeds over the last five years:

1. Silver Gates, LS17 8FU
On Silver Gates - off Wigton Lane - six homes were sold for an average of £1,189,166. | Google

2. Scotland Lane, LS18 5SE
Scotland Lane in Horsforth is the only street on the list not in the LS17 postcode area. Here, three homes were sold for an average of £1,215,000. | Tony Johnson

3. Lakeland Crescent, LS17 7PR
On this cul-de-sac, five homes have been sold in the last five years for an average of £1,227,000. | Tony Johnson

4. Wigton Chase, LS17 8SG
£1,344,375 was the average selling price of four homes sold on Wigton Chase. | Google

6. Alwoodley Gates, LS17 8FB
On Alwoodley Gates, three properties have been sold for an average of £1,425,000. | Tony Johnson