Caring For Life Garden Nurseries is at Crag House Farm, Otley Old Rd, Leeds LS16 7NH. Customers have given it a rating of 4.6 out of five on Google Reviews. Anouj Patel said: "Easily our favourite garden centre. Great location with picturesque views across the Yorkshire countryside. Sprawling aisles of plants, and staff who are passionate about what they do. Beside the garden centre, there is a great walk through the gardens, a farmer's shop with local produce and a decent sized cafe. Definitely worth a visit."Caring For Life Garden Nurseries is at Crag House Farm, Otley Old Rd, Leeds LS16 7NH. Customers have given it a rating of 4.6 out of five on Google Reviews. Anouj Patel said: "Easily our favourite garden centre. Great location with picturesque views across the Yorkshire countryside. Sprawling aisles of plants, and staff who are passionate about what they do. Beside the garden centre, there is a great walk through the gardens, a farmer's shop with local produce and a decent sized cafe. Definitely worth a visit."
Caring For Life Garden Nurseries is at Crag House Farm, Otley Old Rd, Leeds LS16 7NH. Customers have given it a rating of 4.6 out of five on Google Reviews. Anouj Patel said: "Easily our favourite garden centre. Great location with picturesque views across the Yorkshire countryside. Sprawling aisles of plants, and staff who are passionate about what they do. Beside the garden centre, there is a great walk through the gardens, a farmer's shop with local produce and a decent sized cafe. Definitely worth a visit."

Best garden centres in Leeds: Seven of the top garden centres to visit in Leeds according to Google reviews

There’s nothing like some sunny weather to get you looking at your garden and thinking it’s time to spruce things up.

Finding a garden centre with a wide selection of plants, great prices and knowledgeable staff who are happy to share their wisdom can make all the difference when it comes to realising your plans – no matter how big or small. Throw in a fantastic cafe, a scenic setting or a play area for children and it makes a visit even more enjoyable.

These are seven of the most popular garden centres in Leeds based on the scores of customers who have left feedback on Google Reviews, including places that have gardening enthusiasts returning time and again. Each has received at least 100 reviews and scored at least four stars out of five.

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