They turn back the clock to the first three years of the new millennium and showcase the boozers which offered a warm welcome, friendly face and a tipple of your choice. The gallery also features local landmarks as well as stories making the news headlines from back in day. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: 27 photo memories of Otley in 1996 LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook

1. Otley in the early 2000s
Possibly the smallest pub in the town. The Bay Horse on Market Place, at the junction with Boroughgate. Just visible on the right, is a narrow passageway leading to Bay Horse Court. Pictured in October 2003. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Otley in the early 2000s
The Black Bull pictured in October 2003. It's thought to be the oldest of Otley's public houses. During alterations in 1971 workmen unearthed a 16th century stone fireplace and a wooden door which, over two hundred years ago, would have given access to the street. There are records that the Inn was visited in 1644 by a party of Cromwell's Ironsides, the night before the battle of Marston Moor, and proceeded to drink it dry. A white painted sign depicting a handsome black bull is in pride of place above the doorway and hand pulled Timothy Taylor's Ales are available within. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

3. Otley in the 2000s
The Bowling Green public house dates back to 1757 when it was built by Nathaniel Aked as a court house. Deemed unsuitable it underwent a change of use to Assembly Rooms, and became a venue for plays and concerts. Dances were held in the upper room which was accessed by an exterior staircase. On August 21st, 1781 the newspaper, the Leeds Intelligencer reported the occasion of a ball held here. It was organised by a Mr Raw, who was a well known dancing master of the day. The building has been an Inn since 1825. Pictured in October 2003. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Otley in the early 2000s
The Woolpack in Bondgate. The two-storey pub has been much altered over the years. It was originally known as the Fox and Hounds, then the Kings Arms before being renamed the Woolpack. The building dates from the 17th century. Pictured in October 2003. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Otley in the early 2000s
Kirkgate Arcade showing Bek's Hardware and Electrical store and Grange Farm fresh fruit and vegetables, potatoes and eggs. Victoria's Emporium is numbered 63 Kirkgate. Pictured in October2003. Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Otley in the early 2000s
The Black Horse Hotel at the junction with Kirkgate, left and Beech Hill, right. This building replaces the original Black Horse Commercial Hotel which was demolished in 1900. It was formerly called the Coach Inn and coaches left here every Tuesday, on route to York via Harewood and Tadcaster (1822). It dated back to the 18th century. The building seen here was erected in 1901 and boasts a fine mosaic floor to the entrance doorway and there is some elaborate late Victorian masonry work to the frontage Photo: Leeds Libraries,