This photo gallery focuses on Roundhay Park in the 1930s and showcases landmarks such as Waterloo Lake and the Conservatory cafe as well as events including Children’s Day and popular visitor walks. The images are published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. They also run heritage blog The Secret Library Leeds, which provides a behind the scenes look at the Central Library and highlights from its special collections, including rare books hidden away in the stacks. READ MORE: Roundhay Park – Memories of a green gem LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

1. Roundhay Park in the 1930s
2,000 boys from schools around Leeds give a display of exercise routines at Children's Day in 1939. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

2. Roundhay Park in the 1930s
Roundhay Park looking down along Centre Walk, also known as Middle Walk, from the path leading up to the Mansion in May 1934. Statues of a woman and a man stand on top of posts at either side of a flight of steps leading down to the circular fountain. The tree-lined Centre Walk continues beyond this into the distance where it leads to Waterloo Lake. | Leeds Parks and Countryside Photo: Leeds Parks and Countryside

3. Roundhay Park in the 1930s
The Conservatory cafe at the side of Roundhay Park Mansion House pictured in March 1938. Craven Gilpin was a famous Leeds caterer who undertook catering at the Mansion from 1894. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

4. Roundhay Park in the 1930s
The club house at Roundhay Park Golf Club pictured in September 1938. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

5. Roundhay Park in the 1930s
A view of Library Stand at Yorkshire show in July 1932. Stand has sign, reads 'Leeds Commercial development , enquiry bureau'. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

6. Roundhay Park in the 1930s
A postcard view showing Waterloo Lake at Roundhay Park. A date of August 5, 1938 is written on the back. | Artemis, Leeds City Council Photo: Artemis, Leeds City Council