City centre parking has always been a bug bear of drivers across Leeds for many reasons over the years - from finding a space through to the cost involved. These photos turn back the clock to focus on the car parks loved and hated in equal measure. READ MORE: Astonishing photos of Leeds city centre during the 1920s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join the Leeds Retro facebook group

. City centre parking
Enjoy these memories of parking in Leeds city centre down decades. PICS: YPN | jpimedia

. March 1983
Vandals cashed in on parking meters in front of Bridge House off Wellington Street and brought a free parking boom for motorists. | jpimedia

. September 1986
Mystery surrounded the sudden closure of this car park catering for 300 vehicles. Notice to quit was served on the Wilks family - who had run the car park behind the ABC cinema for 55 years - by site owners Norwest Holst. | jpimedia

. November 1986
Car owners living in tower blocks off Park Lane and Malborough Street were being beseiged by motorists from outside the area who pinched their spaces and disappeared into the city to work or shop. | jpimedia

. August 1984
St James's Hospital officials warned anyone breaching new parking regulations would have their car 'clamped' and face a fee for its removal. They were designed to stop congestion on the hospital's access roads. | jpimedia

. March 1983
A Monday morning at the city centre's Wellington Street car park - just one pound for the day. | jpimedia

. February 1984
Motorists parking in the West Street car park, beneath the Wellington Street flyover, were warned to be on the alert for car thieves. One driver had his Ford Cortina stolen from their in December and there had been no sign of it since. | jpimedia

. May 1974
The Leeds Corporation car park at New York Street which was run by British Legion attendants. | jpimedia

. August 1970
The Woodhouse Lane multi-storey car park straddles the Leeds inner ring road. | jpimedia

1. Leeds city centre
Vandals cashed in on parking meters in front of Bridge House off Wellington Street in March 1983 and brought a free parking boom for motorists. | YPN Photo: YPN

2. Leeds city centre
September 1986 and mystery surrounded the sudden closure of this car park in catering for 300 vehicles. Notice to quit was served on the Wilks family - who had run the car park behind the ABC cinema for 55 years - by site owners Norwest Holst. | YPN Photo: YPN

3. Leeds city centre
November 1986 and car owners living in tower blocks off Park Lane and Malborough Street were being besieged by motorists from outside the area who pinched their spaces and disappeared into the city to work or shop. | YPN Photo: YPN

4. Burmantofts
St James's Hospital officials warned anyone breaching new parking regulations would have their car 'clamped' and face a fee for its removal inAugudt 1984. They were designed to stop congestion on the hospital's access roads. | YPN Photo: YPN

5. Leeds city centre
A Monday morning at the city centre's Wellington Street car park in March 1983 - just £1 for the day. | YPN Photo: YPN

6. Leeds city centre
Motorists parking in the West Street car park, beneath the Wellington Street flyover, were warned to be on the alert for car thieves in February 1984. One driver had his Ford Cortina stolen from their in December and there had been no sign of it since. | YPN Photo: YPN