Allerton Grange Sixth Form's Open Evening: Young people and families invited to event on November 9
Allerton Grange Sixth Form is holding its open evening on Thursday November 9, and Mr Jordan Macrow, assistant headteacher and director, has spoken of the opportunities that the Sixty Form can offer.
He says: “We have a love of learning and are passionate in supporting our students to achieve excellent exam results and to have a broad range of experiences, enabling them to secure places at world-renowned universities, and on elite training programmes.
“Our Sixth Form is a welcoming and inclusive environment, with many opportunities for students to learn, grow and develop into confident and articulate adults.”
Teachers go that extra mile
Mr Macrow explains that as a smaller Sixth Form, Allerton Grange has “excellent pastoral care which is carefully considered to ensure your welfare, personal growth and development, to allow you to feel confident and supported”.
Allerton Grange Sixth Form has a wide range of A level options.
All post-16 courses are taught by subject specialists, and so, says Mr Macrow “you will be able to explore your chosen subjects, grow in independence and develop the essential skills and knowledge you need to succeed.
“With smaller class sizes your subject teachers will go that extra mile to work with you and ensure you get the results you need.”
Wide range of subjects to study
Subjects include sciences, classical civilisation, drama and theatre studies, economics, English language, English literature, fine art, languages, mathematics, geography, history, music, photography, religious studies, and social sciences.
Throughout the year, guest speakers present assemblies, workshops, information evenings, and host debates and discussions.
All Year 12 students can go on a residential trip and experience a range of outdoor and team-building activities.
Says Mr Macrow: “We support students to enhance their personal development, through twice weekly enrichment activities.
Strong results compared to rest of England
“These activities provide you with the skills and the character required to be successful in higher education and aspirational employment.”
The Aim High programme at Allerton Grange provides extensive guidance for students who wish to apply to Oxbridge, UCAT or the Russell Group universities.
Continues Mr Macrow: “We are incredibly proud of our Year 13 leavers and the results of all of their hard work.
“For Allerton Grange, 25% of students go on to study at Russell Group universities, compared to 15% in England.”
How to book your place at the open evening
The open evening takes place on Thursday, November 9, from 6-8pm.
To book a place, follow the link and for more information go to