Artist Rufus Newell in the room The Outside InnArtist Rufus Newell in the room The Outside Inn
Artist Rufus Newell in the room The Outside Inn

Leeds Arts Hostel: Take a look inside an extraordinary new hostel where you can sleep in a room of snowglobes

A new Arts Hostel where you can sleep inside the creative imagination of local artists has opened in Leeds.

Located in New York Road, the hostel offers beds for up to sixty guests spread across twelve remarkable rooms, a blend of private en-suite bedrooms and dorms.

The extraordinary rooms explore big ideas; one room is themed around the region's radical protest culture, another bedroom is inspired by a collection of snowglobes from around the world and one amazing room explores mythical travellers, sea creatures and folklore.

Each room has been individually designed by exciting commissioned artists, including a room with a sensory safe space that has been designed to be accessible for people with disabilities.

Take a look inside...

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